With less fugitive material escaping your process, you’ll experience higher throughput, better efficiency and more revenue.
Martin Engineering’s belt sealing solutions include skirting products that ride on the belt and self adjust to maintain an effective seal without regular maintenance. We also offer wear liners that shield the sealing system from the material load, prolonging the life of the seal.
These products are engineered to minimize fugitive dust and fine particulates from escaping the belt. Our belt sealing products are available for troughing angles ranging between 0 and 45 degrees. Plus, the compact design enables installation with as little as 1¼ inch of free space on each side of the belt.
Our specialists are available to provide expert advice and assistance on these products and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!
Conveyor Belt Sealing by Martin Engineering on Sketchfab
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